Posted by : Raquel Santos quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2013

WIN a SPSboutique outfit
1. Like our FB page (why not? Stay tuned you always have a chance to win our outfit)
2. Comment “want” and like on any outfits that you want to win!!! (only do both of like and comment will be counted)
3. There is no limits on how many times you enter, so like and comment “want” as many as possible, will enhance your chance of winning !!!
4. Winner will be announced next week 22th JULY on FB and our website, good luck!!!
5. Tips (like and share this post, will enhance your chance of winning too, we love those who read through our post)



1. Fazer Like/gostar na Pagina da Sweety_Pretty_Spicy 
2. Comentar "Want" e fazer like no conjunto que quer receber.
3. Não existem limites, desde que comentes sempre Want sempre que o faças.
4. Vencedor será anunciado a 22 de julho do Facebook e no Website
5. Dicas: Fazer Like e Partilhar o post, aumentará as chances de ganhar. 

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